A Luminous Life

I'm DrStephM… living A Luminous Life!

Archive for the tag “Creativity Value Originality”

Originality and Value

This poster for Svet caught my eye. Hip Hop Violinist… wow!  I love the contradiction and originality. I am inspired by Svet, and just the sight of his poster inspired me to think through all the ways I share myself with the world…or stop myself from doing so.

One of my biggest barriers to blogging is the fear that I won’t be original in my writings. There are so many fabulous creatives out there, and I often doubt that I have anything new to add. One of the best ways to become a better writer is to read. Yet, I fear that the more I read, the more my “voice” will be changed by what others have written.

I squelched that fear today and read an article on the definition of creativity. Runco and Jaeger (2012) state that, “creativity requires both originality and effectiveness.” That, “originality is vital for creativity but is not sufficient.” That brings to mind another fear of mine that I will write something original, but it won’t even matter. I am from the mindset that if I hit the “publish” button, then I better have written words worthy of reading.

In the aforementioned article, Runco and Jaeger quote Bethune who in 1839 (!) said, “To mingle the useful with the beautiful, is the highest style of art. The one adds grace, the other value.” Such lovely words written so long ago.

Svet is traveling the globe effectively sharing his originality. I sit here writing my little blog, peeking out from behind the computer, hoping I have offered a unique take on things, and aspiring to add grace and value to your day.

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